Just a mom...with a small cooking obsession. Nothing big! ha Join me throughout my journey of teetering with the thought of starting up a small catering business! My goal with this blog is to help other moms who have an ounce of time make awesome meals, throw the best parties with out of this world appetizers, and keep her sanity all at the same time. Welcome to my world!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bacon Wrapped Weenies!

Seriously...I can think of very few things that are not good wrapped in bacon...very very few! Well this recipe is kinda sorta like one I am sure you have seen but we are stepping it up a notch with a secret ingredient!
Growing up my mom made this for a lot of get togethers. Throughout the years I have seen the recipe posted but never the same as she made them growing up. What is that super top secret ingredient you ask...Coca Cola! Crazy I know!
I promise though these will not disappoint. We went to a party for New Year's Eve and these were gone...fast!

Bacon Wrapped Weenies

You will need:
  • 1 package of bacon cut horizontally into 4 equal halves.( I cut mine while it is IN the package makes it much easier!)
  • Toothpicks
  • 2 packages of the Little Smokies
  • 12 oz Coke
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Wrap each little smokie with a piece of the cut bacon and secure it with a toothpick.
  3. Place each one as you wrap and secure them lined up into a 9x13 pan. They should sit lined up touching so you can get as many as possible in your pan.
  4. Once all are wrapped and placed in there sprinkle the brown sugar over them evenly.
  5. Next pour Coke evenly over the bacon wrapped weenies.
  6. Place into the oven for 30 minutes or until bacon appears cooked and no longer has the translucent look. The Coke mixture will be boiling.
  7. Once out of the over pick up each weenie by it's toothpick and place in a serving dish! Serve warm.
These are amazing!! I mean out of this world amazing!! Try them...they are like Pringles you can't eat just 1!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog makes me hungry! I'm going to try this one though it sounds so yummy!!!
