Just a mom...with a small cooking obsession. Nothing big! ha Join me throughout my journey of teetering with the thought of starting up a small catering business! My goal with this blog is to help other moms who have an ounce of time make awesome meals, throw the best parties with out of this world appetizers, and keep her sanity all at the same time. Welcome to my world!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Yummies Pot Roast Ever!

So my family has always been lovers of roast, but the boring plain old roast just put into water just wasn't cutting it... So I decided there has to be a way to spice it up where the kids will still eat it but it has a depth of flavor! Now Landon SWEARS he does not eat mushrooms and onions but even he loves this roast! He never asks for seconds but Tuesday night Lexi and Landon ate seconds! Ryanne...well she eats anything that doesn't eat her first so we don't judge much based on her. haha!
This recipe isn't salty and even makes it's own gravy and if you have lots of the extra gravy and roast it can easily be frozen and turned into beef stew or a vegetable beef soup later on. Best part you throw it in the crockpot and leave it!

What you need:
  • 1 med. to large beef roast
  • 1 box of the Lipton's beefy mushroom soup mix, both envelopes (if you don't like mushrooms you can just get the beefy kind without the mushrooms)
  • 1 lg. can Healthy Start French Onion soup found in the soup isle with the Progressive and Campbell's Chunky soups.
  • 3 cups of water (or enough to almost cover the roast)
  • 6 TBS of flour
  • bag of baby carrots
  • 6 potatoes cut into large chunks
  • Put the roast into your crockpot turned on high. Add everything in and mix together EXCEPT the carrots and potatoes.
  • After mixed add in carrots.
  • Cook on high all day. When you get home add in the potatoes; they will only take about an hour to cook.
  • Leave it on high all day! You won't believe how it just falls apart! It will be boiling when you look at it that is what you want :)
Sometimes I leave the potatoes out and make mashed potatoes to go with it because the juice in with the roast makes its own gravy you can pour over top. The kids LOVE it this way :)
Hope you enjoy!!

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